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Series Title:  Merciful Savior


In this series of messages, we looked at some of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances to his disciples and how He addressed some of their struggles, including fear, doubt, uncertainty, and failure.  These are things we all struggle with from time to time, and it's helpful to see how the risen Jesus meets us in the midst of them.

4/4/21 - The Risen Jesus Meets Us In Our Fear (Easter Sunday)Chris Marsh
00:00 / 12:24
4/11/21 - The Risen Jesus Meets Us In Our DoubtChris Marsh
00:00 / 14:58
4/18/21 - The Risen Jesus Meets Us In Our UncertaintyChris Marsh
00:00 / 16:00
4/25/21 - How Jesus Meets Us In Our FailureChris Marsh
00:00 / 16:17
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