Community Groups
A healthy church is one that shares life together in community - and that's what community groups are all about. We currently have a few community groups that meet together on a regular basis for food, fellowship, prayer, and bible study. Please contact us if you're interested in joining one!

Community Gatherings
Every month, we try to have a churchwide gathering outside of Sunday morning worship - whether it's a party at someone's house, lunch after church on a Sunday, or some other outing. These gatherings are great opportunities for people to build relationships and get to know one another better...plus, they're a lot of fun! Subscribe to our weekly updates to stay informed about where and when our next one will be.

Men's Bible Study
Our Men's Bible Study is currently studying the book of 2 Corinthians and is meeting every Friday morning at 6:15 a.m. at Steamboat Lake Outpost. All men are welcome to join us!​ Please contact Chris Marsh if you have any questions.

Women's Bible Study
Our Women's Bible Study is currently studying the book of Romans and is meeting every Monday evening from 7-8:30 pm. All ladies are welcome to join us!​ Please contact Laura Jones if you have any questions.
NOTE: We are taking a break over the Christmas holiday and will restart on Monday, January 6th.